構えが堂に入っている。背筋にどっしりと鉄の芯でも入っているかのように姿勢が良い。どの業界の職人もその身構えを見れば、腕の良し悪しが分かるとは耳にするところだが、このような居住まいは一朝一夕に身に付くものではない。鯉口シャツにダボズボン、そんな古き良き昭和の匂いを感じさせる出で立ちで仕事に打ち込むのは町田 彫剣氏。かの二代目梵天として知られる初代遊水氏の名を継ぐ、二代目遊水氏である。
Machida Horiken’s posture is imposing, strong, and has the appearance his spine has been composed of an iron core. Posture and solid body structure can only be acquired over time, by dedicating oneself to a repetitive motion—this is true for any true craftsman. Horiken is a very dedicated artist who still adorns himself in the traditional koikuchi shirt and dabo pants of his predecessors from the romanticized Showa era. He holds the title of Yusui the second who is the successor to the famous Yusui the first also known as Bonten the second.
In contrast, he approaches gaku (background) in a very different way. Unlike the main subject of a tattoo, gaku does not have a strict model that must be followed in the same way his ukiyoe designs do. He uses a traditional kanto-bori (east Japan style), doing each slit about a finger and a half width apart. This creates an overall impression of wildness rather than a delicate touch.
Horiken is also very particular in the inks that he uses. He only uses high quality ink-cakes from the lampblack of rapeseed from Nara prefecture. This special ink is traditionally used in calligraphy and painting. The particles of this ink are coarser than those of modern ink and thus more difficult to apply to the skin. As the ink stays in the skin, it creates a beautiful bluish black color which perfectly represents the word irezumi. The kanji for irezumi (刺青) is comprised of 刺 which means to poke and 青 means blue.
Horiken believes that “traditional Japanese tattooing does not need to evolve”, and he does not believe he needs to explore new techniques. He uses the technique that he learned from his tattoo family over 25 years ago, and works at mastering it rather than searching for a different way. For the past 10 years, he has been tattooing everyday from 10am to 11pm except for a few days off for New Years holidays. “I feel a year is too short. I don’t know if I can master tattooing even in my lifetime, so I do not have time to rest.” His words convey the ascetic enthusiasm he has for the traditional aspect of Japanese tattooing.
On rare occasions when he is not busy tattooing, Horiken either paints, or goes to his local karate dojo to train the body and mind. He sees the repetitive nature of mastering traditional karate kata and seiken-duki to the repetitive nature of tattooing. In both karate and tattooing, the basics are taught by a master and it is up to the practitioner to hone his skills through practice and dedication. Through repetition you need to objectively dig into yourself and tackle yourself and refine the purity of your skill.
In regards to apprentices he stated, “I can’t let the name Yusui, which I inherited from my master, ever die out. I plan to take on apprentices one day but at the moment I am in no position to teach one because I am still developing myself.” He came across as hard on himself.
The word –克己 kokki– is displayed in his studio which means get rid of desires and evil thoughts to overcome yourself. Mastering a skill may not be a dramatic path; there are a few sidetracks along the way but a strong steady methodic push forward is important. There are no appropriate words other than 克己 to describe Horiken’s way of life.
住所: 東京都町田市南成瀬6-2-1-101
営業時間: 10:00〜23:00(不定休)
電話: 042-725-0251
Eメール: machida.bonten@icloud.com
Address: 6-2-1-101 Minami-Naruse, Machida city, Tokyo
Business hour: 10:00〜23:00(Irregular Holidays)
Phone: (+81)42-725-0251
Email: machida.bonten@icloud.com
※Appointment only.
HP: www5.hp-ez.com/hp/machidabonten
IG: www.instagram.com/machida.horiken