“Fujin & Raijin”
芳柳 “風神雷神”


江戸時代から現代に至るまで、東京下町の男伊達たちに受け継がれてきた粋の文化を尊び、その象徴たる彫り物を当時の作法に則って実践する文身師 芳柳氏による風神雷神の七分袖。昨今ではあまり見ることのない浅いヒカエが何とも味わい深い。


The three quarters sleeves of the wind god and thunder god by Houryu, who respects the culture of iki (rakishness) inherited by the chivalrous people of traditional districts in Tokyo from the Edo period to the present day, and practices tattooing, a symbol of that culture, in accordance with the manners of the time. The shallow hikae (round part on chest), which is rarely seen nowadays, is very tasteful.

Note that the back piece is the work of another artist.


This work, finished by hand poking only with Black, vermillion, green, and indian red, is truly old-fashioned and full of gorgeous power even from a distance. This work is overflowing with a sense of energy that reflects the dynamic personality of Houryu, who is devoted to free-hand drawing, laughing that “It’s troublesome to learn how to use stencils.”

The Fujin (wind god) and Raijin (thunder god) are deified concepts of natural phenomena such as wind, rain, and thunder. In Buddhism, they protect Buddhist teachings and have the power to punish evil and encourage good, as well as to regulate the weather. For this reason, they are indispensable deities for agriculture, and have long been worshiped as a means of repelling misfortune and bringing about a bountiful harvest.
※See Houryu’s interview here
And see more of his work on Instagram

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