Apr. 2022 in Tokyo



歴史あるタトゥーコンベンションとして日本唯一であり、国際的にもその名が知られる刺青狂たちの祭典“KING OF TATTOO”が去る4月2-3日の両日、眠らぬ街、歌舞伎町のライブハウスLOFTにて開催された。


Tattoo enthusiasts were privileged this year, with the 12th “King of Tattoo” convention being held after a long hiatus due to Covid-19. The location for the event was The Loft in Shinjuku on April 2nd and 3rd.

This event was ended in 2017 due to the public perception of tattoos in Japan, but with the victory of the 2020 tattoo court case, the event was started anew in that same year. Unfortunately, Covid-19 put a damper on the convention last year, but this was the second time since its reinstatement that it was allowed to be held.

今年のKING OF TATTOOには、新しい風が晴れやかに吹いていた。2005年の初開催時にはまだ駆け出しの若手だったアーティストたちがキャリアを積み、脂の乗った辣腕彫り師として参加していたのだ。


Some of the artists attending this year’s conference were only starting out in their professional careers when the first King of Tattoo was held in 2005. In the time since, they have blossomed into some of the most sought after artists in Japan.

Along with the well-known masters and heavy hitter artists, a new generation of up and coming artists also got a chance to showcase their work. The entire scene seemed to symbolize the tattoo industry in Japan as a whole, which is expected to be further revitalized in the future. The visitors also had a youthful quality, which is probably due to the type of artists participating in the convention.


総勢11名と聞けば小規模に思えるかも知れないが、それぞれのジャンルを牽引する少数精鋭たるアーティストたちの卓越した技術を間近で見られる機会などKING OF TATTOOをおいて他にはなく、いずれのブースにも足を止めて熱心に見入る来場者の姿が見られた。

The artists represented a wide range of styles from traditional Japanese and American traditional to realistic, black work and abstract. As patrons walked the floor, they were inundated with the roars of old-fashioned coil machines, mixed in with the rhythmic sounds of tebori poking the skin and accented by the quiet note of modern pen-type wireless machines. The organizer Katsuta★ laughs, “It’s like bands are performing everything from enka to metal together”.

Although the number of artists this year only totaled eleven, King of Tattoo is a unique opportunity to see the outstanding skills of elite artists who are leading in their respective genres up close. Visitors had the chance to stop at all of the booths to look at the performances with great interest.

また、コンベンションの醍醐味は“見る”だけでなく“見せる”ことにもある。昨今海外のコンベンションではコンテストに参戦するにはアーティストの同伴やエントリーフィーが求められることが多いが、KING OF TATTOOにはそういった縛りは一切ない。誰もが身体ひとつでステージに立ち、自慢の刺青を誇示することができるのだ。


The real pleasure of this convention lies in not only “seeing” but also in “showing”. While many overseas conventions nowadays, require the accompaniment of an artist and an entry fee in order to enter a contest, King of Tattoo has no such restrictions. Everyone is welcomed on stage to stand tall and flaunt their proud tattoos.

Arrangements have already been made for 2023. The perspective date is March 24-26 and the location will be at The Loft, as usual. The event is just under a year away! Now is the time to work with an artist you trust, and to complete a tattoo you cherish, so you can get on stage and celebrate your beautiful piece of body art with the entire tattoo community in Japan.

※KING OF TATTOOの最新の動向はこちらから

※See more about King of Tattoo

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