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和を題材としながらも既存の枠に囚われない秀麗なスタイルで魅せる信州 彫英氏による如意輪観音の背中額彫り。
The back piece of Nyoirin Kannon by Shinshu Horiei who is skilled at creating a beautiful style that is not bound by preconceived notions, even though it is based on a Japanese theme.
His amazing composing ability depicts the complex figure with six arms and sitting with one knee up without any sense of discomfort. The expression on the face of Nyoirin Kannon, who is lost in thought as they lean slightly to the right, depicts the deep compassion of the bodhisattva as they ponder how to save sentient beings.
Nyoirin Kannon is one of the various forms of Kannon Bosatsu, and is often depicted as a seated figure with one face and six arms. They have nyoi-hoju (Cintamani) and horin (Dharma wheel) which are origins of their name Nyoirin, and nyoi-hoju fulfills all wishes and horin breaks all worldly desires.
It is said that the six arms are meant to save all sentient beings in the six realms. The dragon and houou, auspicious beasts, are depicted on the lower part and adding further auspiciousness.