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どっしりとした色の厚みが特徴である古典的な和彫りとは異なり、機微に富んだ精妙な色遣いで魅せるDEMPATOO 豊梵天氏らしい風合いで表現された魚籃観音のバックピース。日焼けにより本来の美しさは幾分薄れてしまっているが、それでもなお繊細な描写が目を楽しませてくれる。
Unlike classic Japanese tattooing that is characterized by its thick color, this back piece of Gyoran Kannon is expressed with the unique flavor of Yutaka Bonten of Dempatoo, who uses subtle and exquisite color. The original beauty of the work has been somewhat diminished by a sunburn, but the delicate depiction is still pleasing to the eye.
As a tattoo motif, Gyoran Kannon is often depicted standing on the back of a giant descending carp, but here they are skillfully expressed sitting in a half lotus position on a rising carp.