“Fudo Myoo”
Shinshu MANABU
信州まなぶ “不動明王”


額をほとんど用いず背面全体を使って主題を描き上げた、実に信州 まなぶ氏らしい迫力に満ちた不動明王。氏はステンシルに頼らずフリーハンドで肌に直接下絵を描いていくが、キャンバスの隅々まで余すことなく使うこうした構図はその賜物だと言える。堂々たる力強さに溢れる作品だが、衣や羂索の細緻極まるディテールも見逃せない。

Fudo Myoo masterpiece which fills up the entire back without using much of gaku (background), and presents a power that is typicall of Shinshu Manabu. He does not rely on stencils, but draws a rough sketch directly on the client’s skin with his free hand. This bold composition using every inch on the canvas is the result of that. This work is full of majestic power, but the fine details of the garments and kensaku (snare) are not to be overlooked.


The deities in Buddhism generally have a calm appearance, but Fudo Myoo has a very frightening and angry expression on his face. This is representation of trying to save people who do not follow the Buddha Dharma and have worldly desires that are hard to be saved from, even if it takes all of his strength. Sanko-ken (three-pronged sword) in his hand is said to be used to cut off people’s worldly desires, and kensaku (snare) is said to be used to rescue people who cannot escape from desires, even if it means tying up them.


There’re Fujin and Raijin (wind and thunder gods) which are deified natural phenomena such as wind, rain and lightning on both shoulders. In Buddhism, they have the power to protect Buddhism, discourage evil, and encourage good, then also regulate the weather. For this reason, they are indispensable deities for agriculture, and have been worshipped since ancient times for their ability to bring fertility. In addition, the lucky charms such as zeni-game (money turtle), meoto-goi (married carps), uchide-no-kozuchi (magic hammer), and white snake can also be seen on the arms and thigh.
※See Shinshu Manabu’s interview here

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