BLACK MOON TATTOOは埼玉県熊谷市に現れた気鋭のタトゥーショップだ。そこで腕を振るうのは、驚くなかれ、トライバルタトゥーの世界でレジェンドと称され、数知れぬアーティスト達に影響を与えてきたTOMAS TOMAS氏その人である。スタジオには燻るお香の薫りと耳に心地良いBGMが流れており、ヨーロッパの洗練された空気感と温もりが感じられる。氏は日本にしばらく腰を据えることを決め、関東のどこからでも比較的アクセスが容易で、かつ自然も多いこの地を選んだのだ。
Black Moon Tattoo is the newest tattoo shop in the Kanto tattoo scene located in Kumagaya, Saitama. As you enter the large multi-story building, the first thing you will notice is the aromatic herbal incense smoldering and the sounds of music playing in the background—a true western tattoo shop warmth. I was greeted by the owner Tomas Tomas at the door and the instant comfort we were struck with is different than any other tattoo shop I have experienced in Japan. Tomas is a legend in his field and has now decided to call Japan home. The studio is easily accessible from anywhere in the Kanto area.
Although the textured appearance takes on a primitive look and feel that Tomas likes, he also made it clear that there is nothing, at all, primitive about his designs. Each pattern and design is a representation of “the now”, a unique design, that comes from the vibrations he feels from his clients and the current situation in which he is working.
Tomas considers himself a tattooer of tribal designs but not tribal in the traditional sense it is commonly used. Regions and tribes have their particular styles that tell a story: one that is important to that lone tribe specifically.
He considers the “tribe” he tattoos for, to be made up of all humans living on this planet, and therefore his designs reflect all cultures and lived experiences. He expects his communing designs will morph naturally as he dives deeper into the Japanese way of life and the beauty of the nature readily available.
Although his designs are ever changing, what remains the same is his dedication to his craft and giving his clients the best tattoo and tattoo experience possible. As mentioned earlier, his tattoo studio is an authentic western shop where music plays, smoke flows and breaks are not just granted but asked for with out embarrassment. He knows his place in the zeitgeist of tattooing yet remains amazingly humble.
Moving to Japan and having to restart has been a huge change for Tomas. He is a wildly popular and notable artist in the west, but is just starting to gain a similar following out here. Being in Japan is kind of a -starting again- in his career which he welcomes with open arms.
Black Moon Tattoo
住所: 埼玉県熊谷市石原2-23-2
営業時間: 11:00〜19:00(不定休)
電話: 080-8041-9865
Eメール: info@black-moon-tattoo.com
Address: 2-23-2 Ishihara, Kumagaya city, Saitama
Business hour: 11:00〜19:00(Irregular Holidays)
Phone: (+81)80-8041-9865
Email: info@black-moon-tattoo.com
※Appointment only.
HP: black-moon-tattoo.com
IG: www.instagram.com/tomastomas108