Shinshu HORIEI
信州 彫英



世界中のタトゥーコンベンションを飛び回り、一年のおよそ半分を海外で過ごす信州 彫英氏。現在はコロナ禍ゆえ、国内の拠点である長野にて針とインクと向き合う日々を送るが、台湾にも自身のスタジオを持つなど、その活動は極めて国際的だ。迫力のある構図と鮮麗な色遣いからなる独創的な作風に惚れ込み、氏の元を訪れるクライアントは国の内外を問わず後を絶たない。

Shinshu Horiei is a staple at tattoo conventions all over the world, and spends his time tattooing  outside of Japan half of every year. With the onset of Covid-19,  he has been spending the majority of his time at his studio in Nagano, but he also has a second studio in Taiwan and usually his activities are very international. Horiei has solidified himself in the tattoo world and his influence is far-reaching.  He is touted for his bold composition and vivid coloring accented by his study of  Japanese motifs.



When gazing upon his artistry it would be easy to assume that he has been formally trained in an academic setting. Truth be told,  he is a self trained artist who started drawing in his mid-20s after he decided to become a tattoo artist. At first he did not have a specific style and was open to original ideas and tattooed a variety of Japanese, American and Tribal style designs.

In the first few years of being a struggling tattoo artist, he needed money but also refused to copy others work. He was adamant on doing original line drawings for client ideas. His dedication to his work and unwavering attitude eventually led him to his current reputation and international success.

彫英氏が今の作風を構築するに至る大きな転機が訪れたのは2010年。群馬で行われたタトゥーコンベンションに参加した際、UEO TATTOOで知られるイタリア人アーティストのマッティア・リボルタ氏と親しくなり、翌年に開催されるアムステルダムのコンベンションに誘われたのだ。海外の動静に関心のあった彫英氏は一も二もなくその言葉に乗り、勢い込んでオランダへと向かった。

Horiei first started to delve into his own style in 2010, while participating in a tattoo convention in Gunma prefecture. At the event he met an Italian artist named Matt Rivolta a.k.a Ueo, who invited him to attend The International Amsterdam Tattoo Convention held the following year. Horiei was always interested in what was happening in the foreign tattoo scene, so he took Ueo up on his offer and excitedly headed to The Netherlands.



This event was where it became clear that he had to up his game in order to compete on the international scene. It was a cause of great despair in Horiei because he felt he was lacking compared to other artist. He realized that his “identity” as being Japanese was the basis for his popularity at the convention, and not especially his ability as an artist.

He wanted to forge an image as a Japanese tattoo artist, using traditional Japanese motifs in a non-traditional way. This eye opening experience was the birth of an original style that is praise by fans all over the world.



Horiei has continued his friendship with Mattia, and says he continues to be greatly influenced by him and his work. Mattia is famous for his delicate use of color which is incorporated in his free concepts. In seeing this for the first time, Horiei’s eyes were opened and he continues to incorporate elements of that beauty into his own work. He mentioned that as long as the combination of colors is pleasing to the eye, it doesn’t matter that the colors don’t exist in reality. He gives the example of using pink to shade objects instead of black, to hammer home this point.

He creates vivid color harmonies, which are seemingly full of life by breaking the concepts of reality. His work is sometimes so bold, and the colors so dramatically different from reality, that it turns heads. This original take on color makes his work one of a kind.



Even with his unique and sharpened style, Horiei has never stopped trying to improve his artistic expression. He says that he keeps the core concept similar but continually challenges new approaches. The subtlety of his variation may not be easy to notice, but the results are present in the ever improving art and design that Horiei puts down on paper and especially on skin.

Altering what works, is a difficult venture for an artist, but Horiei has strength and confidence in his current work, and the ambition to continue to grow in art and as an artist.


住所: 長野県松本市新村2927-2 新東ビル2F東
営業時間: 12:00〜22:00(不定休)
電話: 0263-48-2274

Address: 2927-2-2F Niimura, Matsumoto city, Nagano
Business Hour: 12:00〜22:00 (Irregular Holidays)
Phone: (+81)263-48-2274
※Studio access and art viewing is available but advanced booking required for a meeting etc.


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