Owner of Stand Bar AJITO




Ajito is a crowded popular standing bar known for its local patrons and rowdy atmosphere. It runs along side a railway line in Ichichawa city near Motoyawata station on the prefectural border of Tokyo and Chiba prefectures. The dude, who is reverently referred to as Master is the establishment’s owner. A corner of the bar is covered in tattoo art and sketches and so is he. This is representative of his love for tattooing and the tattoo culture which he is fully a part of.

マスターが生まれ育った本八幡は不良と言えばいわゆるヤンキーという土地柄 で、反りが合わず東京に遊びに出かけるのが常だったと言う。そこに渦巻くカウンターカルチャー、取り分けバイカーという存在に惹き込まれるのに時間はかからなかった。



Master was raised in the area where Ajito is located and has always been a bit of an outcast compared to the rustic nature of this small town. When he was younger he would go into Tokyo searching for likeminded people and fell into the biker lifestyle.

His passion for this niche way of life lead him to genuinely research the original styles he felt that bikers in Japan were only mimicking. He was passionate about seeing the various individuals in the magazines that lived a “real” biker lifestyle that encompassed more than just riding bikes; it was also about the look and of course the tattoos. The ink was a major part of the lifestyle and his passion for getting tattooed started here.

折しもその頃、日本でも“彫り物”ではない“タトゥー”が隆盛の兆しを見せ始めていた。マスターが依頼に訪れたのは、そのムーブメントを牽引した立役者である56 TATTOOの岸氏。氏の豪放磊落な人柄と刺青に懸ける情熱に惚れ込むことがなければ、マスターの今に続くタトゥーライフはなかっただろう。技術や作風ももちろん大切だが、アーティストの人となりにどれだけ心酔できるか、それが身体に刻まれた作品の愛着にも繋がるのだ。


Traditionally, tattooing in Japan was mainly irezumi and associated with nefarious types. Regular people who admired the art were few and far between and society made it hard on anyone with tattoos. But just at the time Master began interested in the art, a movement had started to bring more western ideals of tattooing to Japan. Master visited one of the pioneers of western style tattooing in Japan, Kishi, of 56 Tattoo in Tokyo. Master was charmed by Kishi’s warmhearted attitude and passion for tattoos and tattooing.

Since his first encounter, Master has steadily began filling his body with Kishi’s designs. Unfortunately, Kishi was forced to close his shop for a period, so Master continued to get tattooed in a similar style by a close ally of Kishi.



The artist that finished a large portion of Master’s body is not interested in recognition, so we will just mention he also has a passion for tattooing and studied and trained abroad. Much like Kishi, he is considered a pioneer in bringing a western style of tattoo to Japan. Master recognizes these two esteemed artists as foundational for his current understanding and love for tattooing.

He harked back with admiration, “If it were not for these two artists, I would never be so enthralled in the art form.” All of his tattoos are important to him. He places meaning to some, and some were applied for the design, while others were decided on with long conversations with the artists.



I had a chance to speak with the second artist responsible for a large portion of the tattoos that cover Master’s body, and his humble style really impressed me. “I still sweat when I tattoo a client.”, he mention while expressing a nervousness that was extremely genuine and humble.

A true mutual respect between artist and client is really important. In this way, the client can wear the art he received with pride.




At first glance, you would think Master was a tough stubborn person. That could not be further from the truth. “If you are self-assured in who you are, there is no need to intimidate others.” he announced while laughing, “I naturally learned from my artists during getting all my ink.”

Covid-19 has made it difficult to go in and have a drink, but once this pandemic is over, having a drink and conversation at Ajito is a must.

Stand Bar AJITO

住所: 千葉県市川市南八幡5-2-20
営業時間: 18:00〜28:00(日曜定休)

Address: 5-2-20 Minamiyawata, Ichikawa city, Chiba
Business Hour: 18:00〜28:00(Closed on Sunday)
※Business hour may be shortened due to Covid-19.


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